
Friday, February 27, 2015

Hi Guys, We are working on an idea for an android app. We are a group of 6 with expertise in back-end development, product management, analytics and UI design. We are looking for people (preferably based out of Bangalore) who can work with us on the front end development of an Android app. Overview of the features include - content and video streaming, real-time game play, social engagement among others. If interested or if you know someone, Please PM me on Facebook or drop a message to +91-9845116716 or +91-7795226972. Thanks

Hi Guys, We are working on an idea for an android app. We are a group of 6 with expertise in back-end development, product management, analytics and UI design. We are looking for people (preferably based out of Bangalore) who can work with us on the front end development of an Android app. Overview of the features include - content and video streaming, real-time game play, social engagement among others. If interested or if you know someone, Please PM me on Facebook or drop a message to +91-9845116716 or +91-7795226972. Thanks

by Nikhil Bohra

from Put me in touch

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